
Penang #3

Went to penang again on last friday for baby's 21st birthday party. I was super exhausted , rushed to pavilion in the morning to collect the cupcakes before he reach kl. We reached penang around 10pm something.

26th of March.

Celebrated his 21st birthday at Northam All Suite Hotel.

He was drunk.

Asam Laksa @ Farlim.

Ice kacang.

Dinosaur @ Gurney Plaza.

Strawberries from Cameron Highland.

Futsal futsal~

Dinner with his parents @ TCM

Sushi as our breakfast before leaving.

He bought me snacks and some magazines. Went back to kl on Tuesday by bus.

Forgot how to blog lol. I think I should read more books to improve myself. By the way , I am going to langkawi tomorrow , so so so so excited now. I guess I won't sleep tonight. See you guys tomorrow alright! :D

Coming soon

Will update tomorrow =) I am waiting for the pictures.

Takasz Goh 21st Birthday Bash & My third penang trip

Stay tuned! =)


It's tomorrow

我的身体生病了. 医生说我的肠损了 尿道有点发炎. 他叫我不要每天忍尿和喝多点水. 其实我真的喝很多水了好不好. 现在每天要吃药 难吃到.

应该有很多人都很期待明天吧. 我一点也不 但是好事要面对事实吧. 明天应该可以看到很多人演戏 哈哈 You know I know right ;)
希望那个结果不是我想象中的那么差 这样我已经心满意足了 自己知道自己的料嘛.

Good luck to you guys and of course myself! :D


Matta fair 2011

I am here again. Finally , got time to rest but still got a lots of things to do. Oh yeah , I have decided what to study and where to study already. My mum use to remind me everyday " You are already eighteen , have to decide everything by yourself , do not rely on others. "
It is time to learn how to become more independent =)

Work for Matta Fair last week. Get to know many new friends , people. They are nice =) And thanks for someone that accompany me on the last day.

Look so weird and tired -.-

With Xien :D

By the way , I bought new contact lens. Three tones ;)

And , I went to visit doctor on monday. Those medicine taste like shit. I don't like to go to women's clinic because the doctor is so ...... no comment. Damn geli -.-!
I think I should go offline now. Gotta prepare for tomorrow's undang test. I am so nervous! God bless me , I want PASS!


8th of March

A simple celebration at Riverside Grill & Bar , Seri Kembangan. Happy birthday to you , my picses friend =)
" 三八妇女节 " XD

Happy 22th!

Lack of sleep -.-


A day with him


We went to pavilion for movie after dinner with my family. At first , He decided to go genting with his aunty but I don't want to go :p So , he brought me to pavilion for movie. He likes to take pictures! And he always act cute , I feel like slapping him some times LOL.

TG & Me =)

Hello Kitty " hai mian dan gao "

He gained weight! XD

@ Spaggio Pavilion

We watched this. Kinda nice but I think he don't like it.

She is hot & gorgeous , isn't she?

Iphone's camera not bad huh. No more pimples and acne. So happy :D The medicine is too GENG!


Undang lesson

Went to undang lesson with lhx today. Sat in the class for freaking five hours , gosh! BORED + SLEEPY! Must memorize everything within one week and sit for the exam. Hope I can pass very easily lol. I don't want to retake and waste my money -.-


Listen to me

你有烦恼 我也有 你会叹气 我也会 你有脾气 我也有 你有的 我全都有 因为我们是人. 我好累 你的态度令我很反感 我知道你紧张我. 你这样逼我 我只会更讨厌你 更需要我所谓的空间. 如果你信任我 就让我自己去做选择. 我是任性 可是你是固执. 事情不是一天能解决 给我点时间 不要逼我. 我真的很想哭 好像缺氧 不能呼吸 很累很累.

我向往的是那种可以有一点点私人空间 那种很free的感觉. 在这样下去 我会选择 '自由'. 你真的有了解我吗? 我是个典型的双鱼座 建议你去多看星座书吧 =)

还有给那些某某人 , 我的时间不是来陪你做你想做的事情 , 我也有我想做的事情 我也很忙的 拜托. 不要因为自己心情不好来那我出气. 我妈咪生我出来不是给你出气的.

我愿意当你的listener 但有时我也想别人当下我的listener. 我的烦恼 有谁知道? 有一天如果可以的话 我会放下一切 远走高飞 真的快受不了.