
Doggie is barking.

Hey you , I meant Bastard ? lol I ain't angry , I am just quite upset. Why nowadays people can be so damn awful. I don't even care about it okay so don't try to do something just to catch my attention. I guess Nobody willing to make friend with strangers right. I got my own way and I don't need you to judge me. You should ask yourself before you spam me with your fcking low educated english and your so-called very YENG rude words. Who are you ? You are not the God. Rubbish , don't come and fcking stick with me. I don't want to curse you because don't wanna get punish. Why those bastard like to backstab their ex huh ? So funny lo weih. Low - educated ma okay ! I can translate for you.

你讲我LANC ! Fine , 我不笑的时候是真的有点LANC , 但这是天生的. 还是你妒忌我有性格 ?
我根本就不认识你 , 是你自己死缠烂打还要恶人先告状. 你以为你是王啊 ?
做人不要将没有风度 , 人家不想跟你做朋友就乱骂人.
我想你真的是神经病 , 是时候去青山了啦.
Aunty , 看好你的儿子 , 不要再给他乱跑去来吠人啦
又不是不知道自己嘴巴贱 , 智商有问题.
原来我妈咪讲的话是对的 , 他不是好对象 HAHA!

At first , I didn't reply him. And he text-ed me just now then I replied. I asked him to get off and I don't like to reply those strangers. I could still remember he used this number to call my dad and told daddy that he wanna makes friend with me. Wtf eih , that's why I will asked him to get off. You deserve it la fucker.

Fuck off if you don't like it / me.
Who cares ?